Special Event - The Hindenburg - (Posted: 05/01/2024)

2023 SET Reports Released - (Posted: 11/05/2023)
Southern NJ Emergency Coordinator, Tom Devine WB2ALJ, has released the 2023 SET results report and also the 2023 SET debriefing summary document for anyone interested in viewing. Please click on the links below to view each report:
2023 SET Results
2023 SET Debriefing
New Jersey 2023 Simulated Emergency Test Saturday – October 14th - (Posted: 10/09/2023)
The 2023 Simulated Emergency Test will be a combined ARRL Southern New Jersey and Northern New Jersey Sections exercise on Saturday morning October 14, 2023.
The purpose of the NJ 2023 Simulated Emergency Test is to apply and assess proposed emergency communications procedures to support the American Red Cross New Jersey agreement with ARRL NNJ & SNJ Sections for support disaster relief within New Jersey, signed on August 25, 2023.
The amateur radio emergency communicators in both Sections have worked together to prepare the state-wide 2023 Simulated Emergency Test. The exercise will use a combination of voice and digital modes. Voice communications will be used for instructions and announcements. WINLINK digital modes will be used to process messages among American Red Cross NJ headquarters and various District locations throughout the State. District sites provided critical supplies necessary to the operation of shelters in a geographic area.
Digital modes are preferred over traditional voice because they allow faster and more accurate processing of messages. WINLINK is preferred digital mode of FEMA, USGS, SHARES, MARS, ARES Hospitals, AUXCOMM, other government and non-government agencies. WINLINK software includes forms of agencies and organizations, such as American Red Cross.
Currently the planned NJ 2023 Simulated Emergency Test anticipates shelter locations throughout NNJ and SNJ ARRL Sections for the exercise. Amateur radio emergency communications operators throughout the State will be involved a shelter locations, ARC-NJ District Offices and ARC-NJ Headquarters applying emergency communications processes to supporting disaster shelters for New Jersey citizens, assuming limited to no commercial communications or internet are available at the shelters.
There are opportunities for more to participate, learn from others, and be part of a community service experience.
If you are interest in participating, contact your county Amateur Radio Emergency Services County Emergency Coordinator or contact Tom at WB2ALJ@arrl.net